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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Lazy Sunday

I remember Sundays when I was young: waking up late, eating cereal while watching a movie, just lying around warm and unshowered (remember not showering for a while when you were younger?)

but nowadays I get bored so easily. If I was back in the city (and I made the effort to get up early) I'd probably go to a museum or a early movie and make dinner. Here : wake up late, go to a greasy but filling Kelly brunch and the day goes by slowly yet I look up and the day is over.

there's still time to install new rountines for a new years routine right? So I heard some where that it tales 15 days to form a habit.

ok habit 1: procastinate less. very hard. And I am a queen procastinator but I can do it right?

2. Write everyday. I write a lot more than I used to...But not enough.

3. Study something once a day. At least 1 subject cause the grades aren't looking too good if I don't buckle down.

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